Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday 12 December - NYC

Slept in this morning before we all headed down 72nd Street with Jenny's cases in tow to catch the B Train and then a transfer at 7th Ave to the E Train to reach the JFK Air Train station at Jamaica. Managed to do it smoothly in spite of a few sets of stairs.

Will be more fun on Sunday when we take the same journey with a few more cases to get to JFK to pick up our rental car.

Reached Terminal 7 at JFK, handed over $70 for Jenny's second checked suitcase and she received her boarding passes for all three legs of her flight home. There were a few tears shed as we left her entering the security check line into the departure lounges. Have seen from Flight Tracker that her flight left a little late but is on schedule to get her into LAX in about 5 1/2 hours.

As Philip and Alison left Terminal 7 they received a text message from the next member of the tour party. Jessica had safely arrived in Hawaii where the temperature was hotter than at home but she had a good flight with two seats to herself. While P and A were digesting this news they boarded the first Air Train that came into the station and ended up on a circle train that simply goes around the 8 terminals. They got suspicious when they saw Terminal 7 come up through the door! They escaped this train and managed to get on the correct one back to Sutphin Blvd and changed to the subway.

Alison was fancing a burger for lunch (time now heading to 3pm) so they changed trains at 50th St and headed further uptown to the 5 Guys outlet that they had found yesterday. Very tasty burger and fries and free peanuts in shells to nibble on while waiting. After the late lunch walked down Broadway to 10 3rd St to have a look at Humphrey Bogart's House - found the building or at least think they did but there were no plaques or signs. Alison stopped in a pet shop on the way and struck up a conversation with an old lady and her three year old Samoyed. He had a bit to say to Philip when they came out onto the footpath.

Back onto the subway and home to the Beacon. The plan had been to walk down to the park on the Hudson river but by this stage the light was fading so the hotel room looked more inviting.

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