Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday 18 December - Alexandria

Decided to take a slow start to the day this morning to allow the peak traffic to be out of our way before heading off. After our use of the Metro and hotel shuttle yesterday, we decided that we would head to Old Town Alexandria today and use the car. It is fairly direct using the on ramp near the Comfort Inn on to the I-95 and off at Alexandria in about 10 minutes maximum. Parked in a parking station just off King Street (the main street of the Old Town) at $10 for the day. It was lovely to walk non-crowded streets with lovely colonial buildings along the way.

Looked out on the Potomac River at the bottom of King Street and it was high tide so the river was actually flooding the road and park on the bank of the river.

Started with a little bit of shopping with a visit to a souvenir shop specialising in things relating to the presidency and the forthcoming inauguration. Purchased a 2004 commemorative White House Christmas decoration to add to our collection of decorations from various parts of the world. Philip almost purchased a mug for Mike Maclean (a Yank) whom he worked with at OneSchool - the wording on the mug "Don't blame me I voted for Romney."

We started the colonial history lesson with a visit to the archaeology museum in the old torpedo factory which also is a space for artists working in various media. Philip couldn't resist getting a photo of a panda constructed out of recycled plastic - mostly motel size shampoo bottles.

On from the Torpedo Factory for a visit to Carlyle House which was built 1752/3 for a merchant. We enjoyed an informative private tour conducted by a retired biology teacher and also managed to pick up another Christmas decoration for our tree at home from the shop in the basement. Alison also purchased two little holly decorated ceramic dishes which I am sure will be used next Christmas in the Prouten home.
Alison and Jessica at the entrance to Carlyle House

Alison and Philip had not seen this home on their last visit. By now it was lunchtime (actually close to the real lunch time for a change) and so we dined at Gadsby's Tavern. Again somewhere that the founding fathers may have graced with their presence. Then headed back up through the town to Christ Church episcopal church where George Washington and Robert E Lee both worshipped. On the walk again to another historic home which Jessica had found in the guide book - the Lee Home.
Lee Home - Alexandria Old Town
Restored cobblestone street on the way to the Lee Home
Unfortunately, it only open for tours from Wednesday. Headed back to the car and then on the road as traffic started to pick up. Tried to locate a gas station to fill up for tomorrow's departure but had no success in the direction we headed so came back to the motel and all enjoyed an obviously much needed nanna nap. Have dined on "appetising" food from the motel cafe this evening and will be on the road after the traffic eases in the morning. At least the forecast is for a clear day tomorrow which is good for driving on unfamiliar roads with an erratic Navman.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will almost be thankful for your almost purchase.

  3. Sounds like a lovely relaxed day away from crowds....just what you need at times I think!!! Good to know you are supporting the US economy!!!! and collecting things for future Christmases..
