Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday 6 December - NYC

We have woken up to a glorious morning in NYC. The photos below show the view from our windows at 7.30am. We think to day that we may head off to Empire State and then down to World Trade Centre and then the ferry out to Ellis Island while the weather is clear.
The day is drawing to a close - it is now 9.37pm here in NYC and we have had a magic day. Bought our 7 day Metrocards first up and then headed Downtown and to Herald Square where we exited to visit the Empire State Building. Queues were not bad and we were soon on the first observation level with the sun shining and sky clear for magnificent views in all directions. Rather crowded on the first level as most people don't pay the extra $17 to go to Level 102. Up at that level it was far less crowded even though it is fully enclosed so glass reflection can cause some problems. 

Jenny went on a souvenir shopping spree and so we then headed back to the hotel for cheese sandwiches for lunch and to drop off the shopping. Philip and Alison then hurried Jenny back to the subway and we took Line 1 all the way downtown to Rector Street. Visited the World Trade Centre site and the 9/11 Memorial which currently is comprised of a park of trees including one which survived the collapse of the buildings and the two pools where water cascades down into a black square in the centre and on the wall around each  are inscribed the names of those who died in each of the towers. It is a very moving tribute to those who lost their lives that day.

A visit then to Trinity Church on Wall Street and the purchase of some souvenir prints followed by a photo opportunity with the Wall Street Bull. Not so crowded this time so Philip now has his photo with the correct end of the bull while you will see below that the two girls in the party wanted to get up close and personal with other parts of his anatomy!

On to Battery Park which is largely fenced off as a result of Hurricane Sandy and a view out to the Statue of Liberty as the sun was setting. 

Jenny got very close to a squirrel and also once again did some souvenir shopping from a footpath vendor.

Tonight it was dinner from Fairway across the road again and then Alison and Philip headed back Downtown to Times Square for a reconnoitre regarding shows and the location of theatres.


  1. What a fantastic day you have all heard!!! It makes great reading..keep up the good work - thanks too for all the photos...I am sure you sleep soundly at night after days like this!!!! lots of love

  2. That wonderful building at the top is currently the set (well at least the outside is) for a great show I've been watching on foxtel called '666 Park Avenue'. I looked up the building, and guess what, there are apartments for sale, include on in the turrety bits! You reckon if Mum wins lotto we could buy one?
