Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday 11 December - NYC

Jenny's penultimate day in the Big Apple and she had plans to take it easy at the hotel and pack. Alison and Philip had other plans. We started the morning with a FaceTime session with Jessica and the dogs and Jessica searching her mother's cupboards and drawers for a Disney Lanyard that Alison had purchased on her last visit to Disneyland. Then breakfast of poached eggs on toast - it is great having a kitchen. Following this we caught up with the Aitken family from home who arrived on Monday and are in a suite just across the hallway.

Philip, Alison and Jenny (not under duress) boarded the subway for Rector Street and then a short walk to Battery Park and boarded a boat for a one hour cruise of New York Harbour. Cruised past the lower end of Manhattan - it was interesting to see the new Freedom Tower at the WTC site from a different angle,

past some of Jersey on the banks of the Hudson River. Got an up close look at Ellis Island and Lady Liberty

and then across the harbour to come back up the East River, past Governor's Island and under the Brooklyn Bridge

before turning back to our set off point. Cruise was enjoyable and the commentary added to our knowledge of the city.

Time for a light lunch of hot dogs from a street vendor and Alison only got to eat half hers as she was attacked by a very large marauding seagull which swooped from behind and knocked the hot dog out of Alison's hands. Unfortunately or fortunately Jenny and Philip had their hands full clutching their own hot dogs so no one was able to catch the moment on a camera.

Back to the 9/11 Memorial Visitor centre for Jenny to do some last minute shopping and back on to the subway for a trip further uptown than Jenny had previously been to visit the Cathedral of St John the Divine. The stained glass windows in this cathedral are absolutely beautiful and throw a pink glow along the nave.

Headed back over to Broadway
Christmas tree stall on Broadway
and spotted a 5 Guys Burgers and Fries outlet so went in for an afternoon snack of fries and ketchup for dipping. The store actually has a sign up saying from which farm the potatoes for today's fries were sourced and in the eating area is a pallet of bags of fresh potatoes. They were yummy the fries that is!!!

Home to the Beacon to freshen up and then out to Ellen's Stardust Diner for dinner with the Aitken clan. After dinner Jenny managed to do a little more shopping for souvenirs and a new luggage label to grace her new suitcase. Some pastries from Duane Reade store for supper and then home for Jenny to begin the sorting and packing.

Philip and Alison have visited the guest laundry and put on a load of washing. Jenny is packed and ready to weigh and then we will all settle down for a good night's sleep. Alison mentioned that we had not taken Jenny down 5th Avenue, Philip suggested we go then and there and Alison countered with a suggestion for a 6.00am rise. Jenny quite categorically stated that she could cope with missing the shops on 5th Avenue and would rather sleep in before her mammoth flight which starts tomorrow afternoon at JFK and takes her home via Los Angeles and Auckland!

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