Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday 21 December - Midlothian VA to Charlotte NC

Short entry today - it could be titled "Another Day Another State". Philip thought it was apt after his recent Facebook post about a certain Evita song that he should include the picture below in today's blog entry.
Another suitcase in another hall!
The only reason that the suitcase is actually appearing is that there are warnings (including ones from the Charlotte Police) about leaving valuables in cars here in the Hilton carpark. We had planned to just carry up our cabin bags and leave the rest in the car which Philip, Alison and Jenny had done elsewhere without any problems. With all the signs we didn't feel confident so up cam the suitcases to our room. Alison and Jessica did it in one trip as Philip is felling miserable with his cough and after driving all day with Alison saying when will be there because the cough is driving me mad.!!!!

Stopped at a Denny's for lunch along the way and we think that our stomachs are definitely shrinking as we have trouble finishing meals - Denny's is very obliging with take out boz=xes to pack the left overs. Won't breakfast at the Hilton in the morning as there is no complimentary breakfast so we will eat on the way. The hotel room (suite) is great so we should have a comfortable night. Hopefully the sofa bed will prove to be okay for Jessica when we unfold it.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are sleeping peacefully and comfortably as I write this!!! Long days on the road can be very tiring - hope the cough improves soon...
