Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday 7 December - NYC

Overcast and drizzling rain greeted us this morning so we headed off with Beacon Hotel umbrellas to walk to and through the southern section of Central Park. Visited the "Doggy Day Care" centre on 72nd Street and Alison and Jenny went in to have a chat and also have a look at the video feed of the puppies in the play room downstairs. Owners can view the video feed on their computers or smart phones during the day to keep a check on how their puppies are fairing.

Along 72nd Street then to the Dakota Building and across into Central Park and Strawberry Fields. Then a leisurely amble through the park looking at the various statues, horse drawn carriages and squirrels. Ended up at the southern end of the park at the ice skating rink before exiting the park near the Plaza Hotel.

The "Three Musketeers" at the Central Park Skating Rink

Bridge and autumn leaves in Central Park

Even the horses are getting into the Christmas spirit!

After this short detour out of the park which allowed Philip to duck across the road and check out the delicacies on offer in the Plaza Hotel Food Hall, we headed back in to Central Park and strolled back up towards 72nd Street where we exited and then continued north to the American Museum of Natural History.
Jenny at entrance to AMNH
We visited the Hall of African Mammals and then went down to rest our weary feet and get some sustenance in the basement food court. Not the cheapest place to eat and some of the hot food is actually sold by the pound (lb). They weigh your plate at the checkout!

Back up into the exhibition halls and a visit to the Hall of North American Mammals where Jenny got to finally be close to a bear!
Through the display relating to coastal Indians and then the development of humankind, past the meteorites and into minerals and gems where we got to see the Star of India Sapphire which was donated to the museum in 1906 and stolen by "Murph the Surf" in 1964 but found later in a luggage locker and returned to the museum.
Star of India Sapphire
Finished with a visit to the dinosaurs on the fourth floor and the Asian Mammals near the exit. Philip was not really impressed with the layout of the museum or the methods of display. There was no real way to work your way through various exhibits without backtracking to get to the next thing. Also the lighting is so subdued that one gets the feeling that they are trying to save on electricity or don't want you to be able to clearly read the descriptions or see the detail of the displays.

Home to the hotel as schools came out and Alison got to use her teacher voice to pull some boys into line on a footpath that we were walking along on the way home. Alison and Philip had to head out again to visit the Barnes and Noble bookstore further up Broadway to see if a book that Alison had ordered in Chicago was waiting for pick-up. They decided to take the Subway but ended up on an express service and so instead of getting off at 79th Street as planned they went to 96th Street and then had to back track. Picked up the book and then strolled back and called into Fairway Market for dinner supplies - tomato and basil soup and bread. We have now eaten that course and Philip and Alison made Jenny put on her shoes and go back across the road to buy something for dessert. She warned them that if Richard Gere pulled up outside she would be gone. She wasn't long out the hotel room door when she burst back in almost doubled after laughing. She had been met in the hall way - no not by Richard Gere but an old bent over unshaved man in shorts who asked if she was going down.

Well she has now safely returned and we are going to enjoy some Juniors New York Baked cheese cake for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. I think we already have a couple of identical shots of that bridge! It's one of my favourite places though.
    When are you going to take Jenny to Ellen's?
    I also did not like the Museum because you couldn't work out where you'd already been and I kept getting lost.
    I'm also down to visit Junior's but I want some Yellow Cake.
    When are you going to the Magnolia Bakery too?
