Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday 17 December - Washington DC

Breakfast at our new abode this morning. Jenny would be happy if she was still here - 3 waffle machines to use! Television news channel on with continuing coverage of the Conneticut school shooting. Unfortunately US news reporting seems to reply on continued repetition with no real changes in the angle. It will be interesting to see what comes of the renewed talk of gun control.

Took the free shuttle to the Van Dorn St Metro station and purchased our day passes. Then in to the shopping area near Chinatown so Jessica could return an item and try to find some comfortable shoes. Alison ended up with a pair of bright pink sheepskin slippers and two Godiva chocolate bars from Macy's. She was served by the nicest assistant named Sterling who was a real card as was his lady offsider and their chatter brought a real joy to our morning. Jessica also purchase a pair of sparkly shoes!!!! What's new?

Then back on the Metro and to the Smithsonian stop which exits at the Mall. Forecast rain had not arrived and so we encouraged Jessica to visit the Lincoln Memorial which had not been to on her last visit. While Jessica took a cab to do this Alison and Philip started investigating the Museum of American History.
Museum of American History (behind the trees)
Once again Philip was not impressed with the subdued lighting that they insist on using. Lunched in the museum cafe. Philip and Alison enjoyed sharing two side dishes of macaroni cheese and beans and bacon whilst Jessica built herself a salad including what she thought was fetta but turned out to be tofu!!! After our light lunch we finished ambling through all the exhibits.

Across the Mall to the Metro station with time for a few photos on the way - fog had started to settle on the area and it was hard to clearly make out the Capitol building of the Lincoln Memorial and even the top of the Washington Monument kept disappearing.
Alison and Jessica - Washington Monument in the background
Headed to Pentagon City Fashion Plaza to enable Jessica to continue her hunt for new shoes - by this stage the matter was urgent - her shoes were falling apart as she walked through the mall.
Selfie - Philip in the Macy's Ladies shoe dept
Success in Macy's and then to the food court for dinner followed by Philip heading out of the mall to a nearby supermarket for new water supplies and a special on glazed huge donuts - 6 for $2.99. We eat healthy while we travel! Back on the metro and a call to the hotel to send the shuttle and then a wait and more of a wait and then another call - "The traffic is bad the shuttle will be there soon." Shortly after the shuttle arrived and the girl who was driving responded to Alison that there was no problem with the traffic. We think that the guy on the front desk who took the first call didn't dispatch the shuttle. Anyhow we are safely home and have completed our chore for the night of a load of washing and drying.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for not responding to the last couple of blog entries...didn't turn on the computer for long yesterday - was too weary. I am not having the adventures you are but we are having continued heat and high humidity...and the usual catch-up socialising before Christmas when everyone retreats to family!!!! Today I was up at Tamborine and it was even horribly hoit and humid up there!!
    Enough of is good to read that jess was able to buy some new least she didn't have to resort to wellingtons from the supermarket because of large feet and Easter as I had to In Denmark at Easter!!!!
    Good to see you are eating healthy!!!!! food!!!!!
    keep up the good work!!! Love to
