Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday 20 December - Colonial Williamsburg

Early start this morning to meet Kai, Fen, Moli and Nai Nai (Kai's mother) for our drive to Colonial Williamsburg. Alison's turn to drive and we tailed Fen as she drove and all safely arrived at the visitor centre in good time. A long day of walking and touring old homes and other important buildings. Philip and Alison had visited this site on their last trip and Jessica was keen to see the history on display. It was great to have the Chen family along with us for the day and Alison did get some turns at nursing Moli who is absolutely beautiful.

It was Kai's mother's birthday today so after we left Williamsburg we headed into a spectacular Chinese buffet restaurant to celebrate the event. Then out to the car and the rain had arrived for our drive home in the dark. Once again Fen led us on our way and with one detour at a Pharmacy we are now home at the Sleep Inn. Philip has a cough and wooly head and ended up with the shivers and shakes at the end of the day in Williamsburg. He has dosed up with some honey based cough mixture so hopefully will get a decent night's sleep.

The other downer for the day was that Philip discovered that the polarising filter on his camera lens has been cracked and the whole family has been unable to unscrew the filter so there will be no more photos with his Nikon for the time being.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear Philip is not well...hope that Alison and jessica avoid catching it....hope recovery is rapid..
    Camera and lenses - well, I always had one issue or another - thank goodness for back ups!!!!
    I am glad you had a lovely time with Kai's family....take and lots of love
