Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday 22 December - Charlotte NC to Macon GA

Up and out of the Hilton this morning without breakfast and the car was still inane piece after our night of worry with all the signs in the car park warning of leaving valuables in the car. Headed on to the I-77 with Alison and the wheel and Chuck, the GPS, trying to have us exit for about 20 miles. Eventually he conceded that we knew what we were doing and so allowed us to continue. Philip was feeling miserable with his cold so it was good that Alison was driving. We found a McDonald's in South Carolina just in time to take advantage of the breakfast menu.
Continued our drive through South Carolina and into Georgia and heading towards Atlanta before leaving the main Interstate and heading cross country through farmland. The day has been perfect with clear skies and sunshine and the outside temperature in the mid-50s F. We reached Macon in time to complete a tour of the "Cannonball House". A colonial town house which was hit by a shell fired across the river by the Union forces during their attempt to take the town of Macon. It was the only residential building that was damaged.

Interesting tour by a lady with a very southern accent who is a proud member of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Two pictures below - one of a crazy quilt in the servants' quarters for our friend Jen H to see and also a picture of the dining table set with pewter tableware. We had eaten off similar tableware at Gadsby's Tavern in Old Alexandria.
If you look carefully you may see
a ghostly Alison in her red Christmas Shirt in the glass!

After we had finished our tour we headed to our motel out of town where we have two king suites so there will be no complaints from Jessica for the next two nights as she has her own KB and doesn't have to sleep on the sofa.

Visited the Kroger supermarket near the motel and became proud holders of a Kroger Card (gives discount!!!), bought some staples - water, Pepsi next, colby jack cheese, tuxedo cake, strawberry shortcake and cherry fruit bites. Then on to Taco Bell and bought our dinner. Now watching television, a movie that Alison and Philip have not seen before - "Something Borrowed".

1 comment:

  1. An amazing quilt...that is one aspect of American culture that I like!!!! Thank you for that photo!
    I know the joy Jessica will feel tonight in her KB - as comfortable as the Mantra inMelbourne was there is nothing like a real bed!!!
    What is a tuxedo cake - I bought Dad a tuxedo cat calendar but I don't think they are the same thing!!!!
    Sorry to hear your cold has not improved Philip....take care!!!
