Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve - Macon Georgia to Monticello Florida

Farewelled a wet Macon after breakfast. We are becoming a little tired of the sameness of the complimentary motel breakfasts. There is a limit to the number of powdered egg scrambled eggs that one can eat and the grey/ white sauce called gravy that is meant to accompany the biscuits (an American version of scones) is not too appealing. We look forward to what we might eat at our next stop which is a real B & B. Arrived at Monticello ahead of the time that we had advised but fortunately, Carol, who helps at the house had not finished her work and was able to let us in and introduce to the John Denham House and our rooms.
Alison in the Magnolia Room!
The house is in the middle of town (a small town) and is surrounded by trees which like all the trees in the area are festooned with Spanish moss. We feel like we should be in the Everglades. There is a cupola at the top of the house and it is accessed  by some narrow steep stairs from the landing opposite our rooms. The photos below show the trees with the moss and also the staircase.

We freshened up and then headed into Tallahassee to try to locate a camera store so Philip's lens filter could be removed. Stopped first at the Super Wal-Mart on the way in to the city and gave Jessica her first taste of Wal-Mart shopping.
Had a quick lunch at the instore McDonalds and then had no luck at the camera section. With some advice from a Wal-Mart assistant and the use of the GPS we located a very large shopping mall but unfortunately there was not a camera store to be found. Not even the Macy's department store had a camera section. 

Back to Monticello and time to change, with Philip and Alison, putting on their Disney Christmas shirts and down for Christmas evening dinner with B & B hostess Pat and some of her family and friends. The three of us had a lovely evening and especially enjoyed talking with the young people who were part of the gathering and were so keen to learn about Australia. Philip had to keep saying the word photo because Daisy, one of the teens, just loved the way he pronounced it. She told the others that if she could speak like us there would be no shutting her up.

Finally to bed and plans for church and then late lunch in Tallahassee on Christmas Day.

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