Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday 21 November - Vegas to Grand Canyon

This morning started not so well for one member of the party. Philip woke up and needed to give back last night's dinner in more than one way!!! Strange how things run in the family last time Jessica ate at Excalibur she ended up in day hospital. At least Philip was able to get his act together and drive to Tusayan AZ.  A highlight along the way was the diversion down to the Hoover Dam and drive across the dam wall from Nevada into Arizona. Lost an hour in time doing that as a result of different time zones.

The trip was uneventful and the speed limit of 75mph in Arizona certainly helped us reach our destination in good time. Arrived at our motel at about 2.30pm and unloaded and that then gave us plenty of time to watch the changing colours of the Grand Canyon as the afternoon set in.

Much to Jenny's disappointment the only animals that we spotted on the way into and out of the Park were elk - no bears.
We have had a sumptuous dinner at McDonalds and now settling in for the night at Best Western Premier Grand Canyon Squire Inn as the temperature outside drops. We are about 6,500 feet above sea level.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you recovered quickly and were able to make it to Grand didn't come thru...not sure if it is my computer!!! interesting black squares!I look forward to seeing the photos of the Canyon.....have another fantrastic day!
