Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monday 26 November - Louisville to Wheatland

For those of you familiar with our planned journey, you will see that we changed today's destination from Laramie to Wheatland. The plan was that we would then be able to take a side trip to visit historic Fort Laramie. The best laid plans however don't always work out. Philip woke up sick this morning and so with Alison driving and Philip clutching a plastic bag we headed on our way. By the time we reached Wheatland after one stop on the side of the road, Philip was not at all well and the helpful staff at the Super 8 Motel provided an escort to the local hospital. Philip ended up spending a few hours in ER being subjected to drips, blood tests and ultrasound before being discharged with the diagnosis of gall bladder problems. No plans to have it removed in the USA!
Philip always needs to do something a little different whilst on holidays.

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