Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday 30 November - Rapid City to Canistota

Today was the first of three relatively long drives east to get us to Chicago on Sunday. We have finished the day in the little town of Canistota on the far eastern side of South Dakota and about 15km south of the Interstate highway. Why Canistota - a good review for a quiet Best Western on TripAdvisor is Philip's excuse. The town is in the middle of farming country and the air outside our room is freezing and perfumed with the strong smell of manure but the motel is great, the owner very friendly and we have dined in the local cafe and chatted with local residents.

Fortunately after we left Rapid City, Philip planned a detour on the Badlands National Park Scenice Loop Road and once again the scenery was awe inspiring.

At one of the lookouts Philip ventured down a marked track and came across the following sign:
After driving out of the Badlands and back on Interstate 90 we were intrigued by a series of billboards extolling the significance of the Wall Drug Store and all manner of things that could be purchased there so when we reached the Wall turn-off we headed off the highway and this is what we found.

Jenny thought all her Christmases had come at once but the cowboy was a little stiff to get into the SUV with us!

With this diversion out of the way it was back on the I-90 and the compass setting of East and the road went on and on and on and we moved into Central Time Zone so lost an hour and the road kept going. We filled in the miles/kilometres by playing the alphabet game and realised that our old brains needed the workout!

1 comment:

  1. That reminds me of the road to Longreach.....but longer and straighter and fewer trees!!! Love the look of Wall..what an interesting name!!!!
    Happy travelling - enjoy the country smells!!!!
