Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday 23 November - Zion Canyon to Bryce Canyon

We are slowly working our way north and east across the US. Couldn't believe it this morning on check out when the fellow who served Philip and who has never visited Australia announced that he was an Aussie Rules fan and supported St Kilda and also followed the Gold Coast Suns. Fortified by a hot breakfast this morning including a tailor made omelette for Philip, we drove back into Zion NP and headed along the scenic road which runs up the bottom of the canyon. Magnificent vistas along the way being lit up by the morning sun. Alison managed to fall down a slope near the creek but only hurt her trousers and pride! After sighting some deer on the road and some intrepid souls walking a very steep track up one of the rock faces we decided to head out of Zion towards our next destination. Philip who was driving scored the luckiest break of all - there was a car towing a large trailer ahead of us at the Zion Tunnel and they must have paid the "one way only fee" so he didn't have to worry about hugging the centre line.

The drive to Bryce once again had us all marvelling at the different landscapes that this area of the USA presents. Praise God for such a beautiful creation. Early afternoon saw us booked into our hotel and heading into Bryce Canyon National Park. Jenny was over the moon as there was a reasonable amount of snow on the ground and rock faces especially as we headed up into the park and reached our highest point of some 9115 feet (2778 m) at Rainbow Point.

Philip struck up a conversation with a local from Salt lake City at the overlook. It was his first visit to Bryce but he had visited the Gold Coast and Byron Bay to surf. Jenny wanted to make snow angels but had to make do with throwing a snow ball at Philip.

One of the overlooks was called Piracy Point and Philip insisted on wearing his Pirates of the Carribean Johnny Depp hat for the occasion. A little girl walking towards him as he left Piracy Point, exclaimed "an indian" and she had to be corrected by her dad - "No that's a pirate."

With all our driving, we only spotted one bear!


  1. What wonderful photos on Facebook by Alison....beautiful scenery and least it wasn't snowing while you were driving....had a modum glitch today and all I could think was "I won't be able to follow the Proutens on their journey!!"!!!!!!!! all fixed now thank goodness....

  2. When you start to think about where you'd like to spend your vacation next summer, you might want to consider Bryce and Zion National Parks in Utah. I've lived in the west for the last 20 years, I'm an avid hiker, and I just visited this area for the first time.

    Bryce Canyon National park Aerial Tours
