Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday 17 November - Anaheim

Slept in this morning and then off for the bargain breakfast at Captain Kidd's. Then over the road to Downtown Disney for some looking and shopping. Took a few "selfies":
and then introduced Jenny to Build A Bear. Visited Fossil Shop and Alison ended up with a new watch and Philip a new wallet. Then a juice bar for a healthy late lunch and a stop to talk to a lonely Melbourne woman travelling by herself. Then Jenny had to succumb to a desire for something that she had been eyeing for the last two days and she can be seen below flossing her teeth!
After that it was back to the Clarion and a rest in the lobby and read of newspapers while we waited for the maid to finish in our room. Got to pat a beautiful little nine week old Siberian Husky puppy who was staying at the hotel. Alison and Philip then headed off to pick-up our transport for the next 15 days and what a nice vehicle it is. A 2013??? shiny black Ford Escape with leather upholstery.

Philip managed to drive it safely back to the hotel inspite of Alsion's demands that he slow down - he was only doing 32mph in a 40mph zone. We head off to Vegas tomorrow and hope we are not chased by one of these - 

1 comment:

  1. How cute is that little police "car"!!! have fun driving!!! Great to chat with Alison earlier!!!
