Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday 29 November - Mt Rushmore & Custer State Park

Beautiful blue skies and sunshine here this morning, Philip still a little ragged in the health area after attempting dinner last night so when Alison and Jenny had breakfasted we buckled in and headed south. Drove through the little town of Keystone on the way to Mt Rushmore. Arrived there with the carvings looking spectacular against the clear blue sky and a chilly breeze blowing.
Watched the movie about the process of carving the faces and investigated the gift store and historic centre and then off to Custer State Park via the non-winding road option. Much of the Black Hills is being impacted by pine beetle attacks on the trees and you can get an idea of the impact in the photo below which shows an area of dying brown fir trees.

Used the honesty system to buy our $15 day pass for Custer State Park at one of the entry points and then headed off along the scenic road circuit to view the bison and other wild animals. Signs like this had us convinced that there would be trouble just around the corner - especially Alison the very nervous driver for the day. We were ready to be confronted by herds of marauding buffalo but we drove and drove and not an animal appeared to the left or right so in frustration Philip took the next photo as we were all convinced that it would be the closest that we would get to anything remotely buffalo!
Not far from this encounter with buffalo skat, we finally chanced upon a number of wild animals busily going about their business - a colony of prairie dogs.

Then the buffalo appeared in the distance
then behind a fence

then up close and personal!
We swear that no where had there been a sign advising that the Custer Park Scenic Drive was X-rated. We had also passed antelope, deer and a solitary russet squirrel on the journey but the encounters with the buffalo were the best.

Now back safely in Rapid City with late lunch 3.30pm from McDs and a load of washing in preparation for continuing the road trip tomorrow when hopefully we will take a side road into the Badlands.

1 comment:

  1. That was a day to remember - x-rated sections and all!!! It reminded me of one of the videos we used to show the year 8 Geog students - rutting something or other!!! Could have been bison then too !!!
    Hope you continue to feel better....look forward to the next instalment...Loved the video!
    Take care
