Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Anaheim - Clarion Resort Hotel

We have arrived. Survived the 12 hour flight. Seats could do with more padding for rear ends! Leg room and cabin crew excellent. Go V Australia. Super Shuttle transfer to the hotel and nice corner room on the 7th floor looking towards Disneyland - hopefully we will be able to see the fireworks at night. Room ready for us so that is great. Jenny having a lie down but no Bex and Ali and Philip going for a walk to the nearest shop - 7 Eleven.
The picture shows the view from our room to the back of one of the roller coasters in Disneyland.
Just returned from another walk to Disneyland to organise the tickets for the next two days. Served by a lovely lady called Irene who asked if we were celebrating anything so we now have "I'm Celebrating Retirement" Badges to wear when we head off tomorrow. Dinner tonight will be at the hotel with happy 1/2 price appetisers and beer - yippee! Also enjoying some cheap bourbon prior to dinner.


  1. Of to a fantastic start!!! I will think of you having fun on the roller coaster and other rides as I sleep...that way i won't suffer motion sickness!!! Enjoy!!

  2. Yay! Love the badges, I wonder what ones we can get at Disneyworld.
