Friday, November 16, 2012

Disneyland Second and Last Day

Started the day with great breakfast at Captain Kidd's opposite Disney main gate. $5.99 for 3 eggs, bacon, chipolatas, real hash brown and pancakes with maple syrup. It certainly fortified us for hitting the park.

Today was dedicated to Disneyland and we started in Tomorrowland. Star Wars ride is the best - what a hoot listening to Jenny's reactions as we flew through space! Did Buzz Lightyears, Finding Nemo Submarine ride, then Jenny and Philip took to the bob sleds of the Matterhorn - twice!!! Philip says that he won't complain about the lack of padding in V Australia seats again after this ride. Also managed to take the It's A Small World ride (all themed for Christmas), Peter Pan's Flight, the Train and the Haunted House (also themed for Halloween and Christmas as you will see from the following photo).

Caught the parade again in daylight and a show in the Golden Nugget Saloon while we ate ice-cream sundaes for lunch. Left the park and shopped in Downtown Disney and then headed home and picked up pizza for dinner on the way.
Now for the downer for the day - Jenny discovered that her camera battery was flat and that she hadn't packed the correct charger lead; no worries we had back-up but then Philip discovered that his Nikon battery had gone flat and the charger was back at the hotel; no worries we had back up but then Alison discovered that the Canon was suffering memory card read issues!!!! So only captured video with the little flip camera today.


  1. The joys of technology!!!!! Love the sound of breakfast I must say!!!

  2. God bless phones with cameras! Sounds like my night at the formal.
