Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Tuesday 1 January - Universal Islands of Adventure

Alison and Jessica made such a good team yesterday that Philip was relegated to the back seat for the journey to the Universal Islands of Adventure today. It was a quick trip after an early start and paying for preferred park is a great bonus. The trouble was that the rental car is big and the doors are big and so are most of the other cars. So when Philip went to get out of the back seat it was a great effort almost like surgery to remove him. Consequently instant decision that he rides home on the front seat. Jessica was thrilled with this plan as she could already see herself "zedding" in the back seat.

Entry tickets ready and gates open early here so in the troupadours went. Heading straight for Harry Potter World, Hogsmede and The Forbidden Journey.
Alison and Philip in the main street of Hogsmede
The line into the ride was not too bad twisting and turning inside and outside. The best lineup section was the talking portraits who were all busy having a conversation as the crowd moved through. Wished we could have stayed in this section a little longer. And finally the end of the line came........mmmm well these little suspended cars arrived and people scrambled in and a body holder was closed over each person. Philip had an issue with the section of the seat that went between the legs and spent the journey feeling as if he had been emasculated! The ride turned into Harry's adventure with the Hogwarts crew and Dementors battling with each other and the riders were supposedly assisting. At breakneck speed with the car shooting up, dropping down, swerving to the left and right then zooming forward before stopping abruptly. Are you getting clear picture of an exciting but violently jerking ride that does wonders for your eyes and sense of motion and the contents of the stomach getting more and more excited. At one point Alison closed her eyes and kept them shut tight for a number of seconds and prayed that the ride was nearly done. Philip looked white, Alison looked green and Jessica rushed outside looking decidedly dangerous. Alison found her later and shared some motherly love after Jessica's breakfast had left the scene of the crime. Thank heavens for bins. Poor girl!

Philip is now the happy owner of a lovely Hogwarts shirt and looks very good in it. Some wandering was done then through Jurassic Park where the River Adventure flume ride was spotted but the ride had shut until later. Philip was drawn to another bridge with another flume type ride called RipSaw Falls. Jessica decided the time had come and so with a Port Arthur poncho on in she went to line up. The boats were finishing up by hurtling down a steep drop into a dip under some construction boards that moved with added loud noises and huge water explosions. Philip trained the camera on the drop and we watched for the blue poncho to come off the falls. Yep, it was good and the girl came through proudly and with only minor wet clothing.
Jessica finishes the Jurassic Ride
A climb to the top of Olive Oil's boat and some photo opportunities and a decision was made to check out the wait time for the Spiderman ride. Philip and Alison lined up and for forty-five or more minutes shuffled through the lanes into the final departure point. The car ride was very similar to the Simpsons and Alison began to have misgivings about this ride but it was too late....... four seat across and three rows of folk were all strapped in for the ride, the sides of the car came up and riders were advised to hang on! OH NO! Off the car sped trying to help Spiderman save the city while the baddies sprayed water, hurled fire at everybody, threw things at the car and the wind came up blowing the car this way and that. Alison was beginning to feel sick and was wanting the ride to end when......everything stopped. Seriously the car, just our car, with the riders in the four seats across and three rows was stopped in the dark. No noise, no lights nothing. The man beside Alison asked if this was part of the ride and the people behind began to chat about why it might have stopped. It seems like a long time but was probably minutes, like about 5 minutes when a message said to remain in the car as it could move at any time. There were noises around and under the car like someone was working on it. Another voice said the house lights would be coming up..... and they did....but no explanation. Again the riders were told to remain seated and with hands and arms inside the car as it could move at any time. Finally the car began to move and when each person was helped from the car they were asked if they would like a fast pass to have another ride. All riders declined and left hurriedly......yes well simulation rides and Alison have parted ways. She says that she has had her last one.......maybe until tomorrow.

After this trauma Philip and Alison found a very bored Jessica out the front of the Spiderman ride and the decision was made to return to Jurassic Park for Jess to do the River Adventure thrill flume ride. Donning her blue poncho once more she entered the "zone" while Philip took the camera and with Alison hurrying behind went to take up positions at the end of the ride where the craft plunges down a huge drop into the water at the bottom with an enormous spray of water coming up over the sides and into and over the riders. The photos will speak for themselves. Jessica went into a shocked state of wetness even wearing a poncho, but still not drenched totally like some other participants who were seen leaving a trail of water drops!

Heading back to the Three Broomsticks and entering a lunch line that was quite short decisions were made on what would be eaten and the drinks to be had. Butterbeer was on the list but since it was an unknown only one was purchased and shared. It was yummy but after finishing lunch there was no more room for another drink!! Sadly everybody wished that Butterbeer had been tried earlier in the day!

A little shopping and looking around, taking photos and a trip into the Poseidon ride for a bit of spice. In this ride the group of people is helping the host try to find where to take the trident deep under the sea. The coolest part of this journey in the large group of people was walking through a cylinder of raging water that flowed at high speed up around us with only minimal misting spray. More fire and lightning bolts and water sprays and the whole happy ending was achieved.

Sinbad's stunt show was in an amphitheatre with the obligatory splash zone. There were flying fox wires, crows nests, pools of water and swinging ropes across the set. There was a bit of boy, girl interaction and Sinbad and the princess tried to evade the baddies. More fire, splashing water and jumping and swinging across the stage and out above the audience. A few surprises with actors popping up unexpectedly and jumping into water and at one point the evil woman character was set on fire which was a bit scary until she finally jumped into the water putting the fire out. Philip described the show as "lame".

The journey to Potter's World at the start of the day meant that Dr Suess's Cat in the Hat world had to be passed through and so it was on the return journey that One fish, Two fish, Red fish Blue fish etc etc of bright lovely colours and such imaginary shapes for flowers and fish and shoes were to be seen everywhere and children of all ages were totally engaged here riding and laughing and having fun. Face painting with weird faces was seen.

Finally the exit signs were in sight and the time...... about 4pm.... early really, but a good day was had by all.
So here it is at the end of the day and the car is waiting in the Cat in the Hat section of the carpark. Philip gets into the navigators seat in front and with Alison driving that means that Jessica gets into the back seat. Can you all see what is coming........yes with about five minutes of driving out of the carpark the backseat rider is snoring away happily to be woken up as the car is entering the gas station near the hotel!

The photo below taken in Toon Lagoon comes up how Philip and Alison and even Jessica the recent addition to the touring party are feeling!

1 comment:

  1. Too much for me I am afraid - I felt sick just reading your descriptions!!!! I am glad you enjoyed(?) it!!! I wonder what is in store tomorrow????
