Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday 4 January - Monticello to Daphne, Alabama

Good night's sleep in spite of the full house at John Denham House and fortunately the other guests didn't turn up the central heating to the unbearable level that we had experienced on our first night there back on Christmas Eve. Shared the breakfast table with two other couples - a man who works in the Sheriff's Office in Tampa and his teacher wife and another couple from a town only an hour away from Monticello. The man from nearby wants to visit the Australian outback and loved the movie - "Australia". On the way out of town Philip was amused with the reaction from the young man at the gas station who asked where we were from and when Philip replied Australia was greeted by a 20 something console attendant imitating a kangaroo but he couldn't quite remember the name of the animal but did also manage to throw in a "Crikey!". He then welcomed Philip to the "durrty durrty" apparently an affectionate term for the South!

On the road then for nearly 4 hours with Alison driving and a straight run along the I-10 with only a couple of stops for comfort at roadside rest areas which are extremely well-maintained. Finally left Florida and entered Alabama and arrived at our Best Western to be told that we would not be able to check-in until 3pm as they had experienced a full house the night before and were still getting the rooms cleaned. So it was across the road in the car to a Cracker Barrel shop and restaurant where lunch was enjoyed. Alison had "chickin and dumplins", Philip had cat fish pieces coated in corn meal and fried with the largest longest ranch fires that we have ever seen and Jessica had chicken fried chicken with sides including fried apple. A wander around the store after lunch and Alison purchased a new shirt and Philip and Alison tried the double rocking chair on the front verandah.

Then it was into the main shopping centre and a visit to the Pet Market store to look at dog toys but nothing took our fancy and luckily Alison had bought a range of toys at the Winn Dixie Supermarket in Monticello yesterday so the boys will not be disappointed when we return home. Jessica had her eyes set on some clothing stores and the Build-A-Bear Shop so we circled and the two ladies in the party scored some bargains at Coldwater Creek. Now settled in at the Best Western with a load if washing through the machine and now in the dryer and the only problems we have identified are that our room door won't actually lock closed and Jessica's sofa bed is in need of some re-springing. We can cope for the one night. At least the room is large.
Another in my Evita inspired photos - "Another suitcase in another hall."

PS: And at least some of the car number plates have - "Sweet Home Alabama" on them!

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